The website of Tatars living in Germany: reports that in June 2015 in Berlin, the European Sabantui to be held under the slogan “Sabantui – a bridge of friendship.”
The holiday program is designed for 3 days, June 19-21.
Organizers placed the program of a holiday as well as the necessary information for those planning to come to the European Sabantui.
June 18
In the evening – a welcome meeting with the guests arrived, the ice-breaking party between delegations, a little welcome concert.
June 19
Workshops for children and adults:
- Tatar cuisine (held together with Dania Ziyatdinova-Heinonen from Finland and Anyuza Zetterlund from Sweden)
- Tatar arts and crafts (embroidery, sewing, leather mosaic) (along with Albina Khairullina-Valeyeva from Bulgaria and Guzel Ibragimova from Germany)
- Tatar dances and songs (with Lilia Valeyeva from Belgium, Rosa Khabibullina from Moscow)
- Belt wrestling (with Habir Khabibullin, President of the Russian Federation of Wrestling and Rustam Ishkvatov from Germany)
- Yazma Miras with Miste Hotopp Rica (creating illustrations for holidays and special printing rollers by old technology)
- Multimedia workshop: preparation and publication of information about the festival and the festival blog, photo documentation, interviews
- A theatrical performance (Ildar Kharisov from Germany / Berlin) for the Tatars and their friends with comic-musical training of Tatar language basics.
Time of master classes will not interfere to enable wishing to participate in various sections.
June 20
Gathering on the lawn from 10 am. At 12 am, a grand opening.
It is expected that everything will be in a big village – Tugan avylym. Each country will be represented by “a yard”, so guests are invited to bring the flags of the countries of residence, as well as concert performances cook, goodies.
June 21
A small tour of Berlin, which is expected to include the following places: travel past the Moabites in Plёttsenzee to the place of death of Musa Jalil and his companions, placing flowers. Then – at the historical center of Berlin, a quarter of St.. Nicholas, where from Berlin began constructing, and there on foot to walk down Unter Linden past the Berlin Cathedral, Museum Island, the University of Humboldt, the Russian Embassy to the Brandenburg Gate, and from there – to the Reichstag and the Tiergarten. Tour lasts about three hours.
If someone else is planning to stay in Berlin: June 21, for many years in Berlin, the music festival Fête de la musique to be commenced. The festival is held at many venues, everyone can choose performers of his liking. The hosts of the European Sabantui 2015, for their part, would like to see at this festival to be attended our by Tatar performers and present Tatar music to residents of Berlin and guests of the German capital.