Home / News / The Review stage of the All-Russian “Tatar Tea” competition has passed
The Review stage of the All-Russian “Tatar Tea” competition has passed

The Review stage of the All-Russian “Tatar Tea” competition has passed

The World Congress of the Tatars, on behalf of Rustam Minnikhanov, Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan, has launched the All-Russian contest “Tatar Chaye” (“Tatar tea”). This competition is part of the “Sәlәmәt Millәt” (“Healthy Nation”) program, which aims to develop and strengthen the nation’s health culture, promote a healthy lifestyle, and enhance the Tatar national brand “Tatar Chae”.

Yesterday, the World Congress of the Tatars was hosting the review, selection, and evaluation stage for projects in each category. This year, 87 submissions from 31 regions of Russia have been received.

The jury members include:

  • Irek Ildusovich Sharipov, Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of the Tatars and Head of the Committee for Work with Branches in Tatarstan.
  • Kadriya Raesovna Idrisova, Head of the Republican Public Organisation of Tatar Women “Ak Kalfak” and Head of the Committee for Work with Public Organisations “Ak Kalfak”.
  • Farit Yazkarovich Urazaev, Executive Director of the World Association for the Promotion of Tatar Entrepreneurs and Head of the Committee for Work with Tatar Entrepreneurs of the Executive Committee of the WCT.
  • Asiya Rashitovna Zalyalieva, Deputy Chief Doctor of the Republican Centre for Public Health and Medical Prevention.
  • Guzel Mansurovna Mukhutdinova, Assistant at the Department of Preventive Medicine and Human Ecology at Kazan State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
  • Ravil Zinnurovich Lotfullin, Chairman of the farm “Lotfullin” and entrepreneur.
  • Guzelya Nazirova, Head of Sales Department at “Tugan Avylim”.
  • Reseda Kiyamovna Khusainova, Director of the healthy food restaurant “Tamle Bulsyn”
  • Kamilya Shagitovna Zainullina, Leading Desk Officer at the Executive Committee of the World Congress of the Tatars,
  • Feliza Fanisovna Boreeva, Leading Desk Officer at the Executive Committee of the World Congress of the Tatars.

Contest participants are evaluated in the following categories:

  1. Best Family Business: Family involvement in production, distribution of responsibilities, and how this is leveraged in product promotion.
  2. Best Brand: History of creation, labeling, slogans, and recognizability.
  3. Best Product: Recipe, creation story, composition, and social media presentation.
  4. Successful Business: History of establishment, sales geography, product range, and profitability.
  5. Keeper of Knowledge: Distributors of knowledge about Tatar tea through books, courses, masterclasses, etc.

The award ceremony will take place on September 26 in the Tetyushsky municipal district.

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