The children enjoyed a magical fairy-tale performance featuring life-sized puppets, along with dancing, games with prizes, and poetry recitations for Father Frost. In return, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden rewarded them with gifts. Even the parents couldn’t stay seated—they joined in the dancing and fun.
Everyone left with unforgettable memories of the concert program and the enchanting fairy tale.
After the celebration, the head of the Tatar-Bashkir Cultural Center “Idel,” Elmira Valievna Alimzhanova, distributed New Year’s gifts to all the children, with support from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Kyrgyzstan.
Additionally, New Year’s gifts were sent to various regions of the Jalal-Abad region.
We extend our deepest and most heartfelt gratitude to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Kyrgyzstan for their invaluable support and assistance in organizing this wonderful celebration, as well as for their warm and caring attention!