Home / News / The XX International Tatar song festival, named after Rashit Vagapov, was held in Kazan
The XX International Tatar song festival, named after Rashit Vagapov, was held in Kazan

The XX International Tatar song festival, named after Rashit Vagapov, was held in Kazan

The gala concert of the 20th Rashit Vagapov International Tatar Song Festival took place at the S. Saidashev State Concert Hall.

Farid Mukhametshin, Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, extended greetings to the guests and laureates of the festival on behalf of the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Established in 2004, the festival aims to promote the development of Tatar culture and performing arts, strengthen interethnic, interregional, and interstate cultural dialogue, preserve and enhance our shared spiritual heritage, and commemorate the legacy of the renowned Tatar singer, People’s Artist of the Tatar ASSR, and founder of professional Tatar pop music, Rashit Vagapov.

In early September, the Vagapov festival received high praise from the Russian Commission for UNESCO and is now conducted under its auspices.

Source: mincult.tatarstan.ru

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