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Vasil Shaikhraziev arrives on a working visit to Omsk region

Vasil Shaikhraziev arrives on a working visit to Omsk region

On September 24, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan and Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of the Tatars, Vasil Shaikhraziev, arrived for a working visit to Omsk region.

He was welcomed by Radik Minikhanov, Chairman of the Council of the Public Organisation of the regional Tatar national cultural autonomy of the Omsk region, along with Marat Katyrov, Executive Director of the Tatar national cultural autonomy “Ibir” (Siberia), and Anton Kisilev, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Omsk region.

A tour of the Tatar farmstead at the Omsk State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Starina Sibirskaya” is scheduled as part of the visit.

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