une 13, 2019
A Tallinn-Kazan video bridge took place today, in which the first secretary of the Russian embassy Alexei Kotelnikov, a member of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Gulzalina Zhehtunova, chairman of the cultural society of Narva Tatars Maryam Malysheva took part, in Kazan Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan , Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Vasil Shayhraziev was on line.
For the first time, the capital of Estonia opens its doors for the guests of the all-European Sabantuy – 2019, which will be held on June 16 in Tallinn in the territory of the Tower Park. About 3000 people are expected at the event, among the expected guests are President of the Republic of Estonia, high-ranking government officials, officials of the Republic of Tatarstan, representatives of the Tatar diasporas in Germany, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden, etc. a large delegation from the Republic of Tatarstan.
During the conversation, Vasil Shaykhraziyev marked a high level of preparation for Sabantuy, thanked all the organizers and encouraged all Tatars of Europe to attend this event.
“Sabantuy is a place where you do not become an outsider. When you are on maidan Sabantui, you become a part of this holiday, ”said Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Addressing the organizers of Sabantui, Vasil Shaikhraziev noted that Sabantui is a kind of exam, after which you can proudly say, “This is a history, it was we who have together made this history.”
At the end of his speech, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars once again conveyed words of gratitude to all the organizers of this event and said: “Sabantuy is walking on the planet!”