Chairman of the Council of Elders of Tatars and Bashkirs in Uzbekistan congratulates on the 100th anniversary of the TASSR
The 100th anniversary of the Tat ASSR is not just an event, but the Day of Nation for all Tatars.
Many Tatars, because of the difficult fate of their fathers, or on the basis of historical past of the entire people, were forced to live among their own and foreign peoples.
Therefore, sometimes they say with pride, then with resentment, although all of Russia is like our Motherland, and our native land is only Tatarstan.
These lines seem to contain the whole history of the Tatar people. Almost all of Russia stands on the lands of the ancestors of the Tatars, and at the same time, it was only through the creation of the Tat ASSR that the nation was recognized by allotment of legal territory and the right to be the Tatar people.
The significance of this day for present and future of the entire Tatar people is priceless and all Tatars should be grateful to the creators of the Tat ASSR and the Republic of Tatarstan.
Likewise, to all Tatars and Tatarstanis for preservation of the republic and worthy development.
This date gives faith to the nation by the fact that it has a Motherland on earth, and this also instills confidence in the fact that the people will have enough wisdom and strength so that they do not get lost in this, all absorbed by Russian world, and the will transmitted by our ancestors would not dry up, which will not allow us to get confused and we would be able to save ourselves as the Tatar people.
The 100th anniversary of the Tat ASSR, this day reminds us all Tatars that we are and that we are the Tatar people.
In this regard, on behalf of three hundred thousand Tatars living in Uzbekistan, we congratulate all Compatriots around the world and Native Tatarstan on the Day of Nation – the 100th anniversary of the Tat ASSR.
We wish you all good health and that our children, like our ancestors, never lose faith in their people, and how they knew how to love, respect and protect every part of the nation and every word of their native language, so that in the future, among other peoples, there will always be our Tatar people also.
Yours faithfully and good wishes everyone
Chairman of the Council of Elders of Tatars and Bashkirs in Uzbekistan
Rim A. Giniyatullin