Home / News / August 7 is the day of the memory of the outstanding religious and public figure Hasan-Gata Gabiashi.
August 7 is the day of the memory of the outstanding religious and public figure Hasan-Gata Gabiashi.

August 7 is the day of the memory of the outstanding religious and public figure Hasan-Gata Gabiashi.

August 7 is the day of the memory of the outstanding religious and public figure Hasan-Gata Gabiashi.

August 07,  2018

August 7 is the day of the memory of the outstanding religious and public figure Hasan-Gata Gabiashi. Being an imam, a cadi, a historian and a Turkologist, he managed to leave behind a rich scientific and cultural heritage.

Five interesting facts from the life of the hero:

H.-G. Gabyashi was a supporter of the Jadid movement. (Jadids are a group of reform Muslims who consider their calling to spread education, develop Turkic languages ​​and literature, study secular disciplines, use the achievements of science and proclaim gender equality.

Gabyashi was personally acquainted with the ideologists of Jadidism and other famous people of his time – Sh. Marjani, K. Nasyri, G. Mahmudi, Orientalist I. Gotwald, I. Gasprinsky, Sh. Akhmerov, Professor N. Katanov, G. Barudi.

Gabyashi became the founder of the madrasah in his native village of Maly Sulabash with a new method of education. Students simultaneously studied the disciplines not provided for in the program of the Muslim educational institution, such as: Russian language, mathematics, geography, natural history, history and others.

Three times elected a member of the Orenburg Mohammedan spiritual assembly and acted as a Kazy (judge).

He was repressed for nationalism and immediately after returning home died of illness.



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