Home / News / “Not for the report, but for ourselves!”: Vasil Shaikhraziyev calls on the Tatars to actively participate in  preparation of the Strategy for  Development of the Tatar People
“Not for the report, but for ourselves!”: Vasil Shaikhraziyev calls on the Tatars to actively participate in  preparation of the Strategy for  Development of the Tatar People

“Not for the report, but for ourselves!”: Vasil Shaikhraziyev calls on the Tatars to actively participate in  preparation of the Strategy for  Development of the Tatar People

“Not for the report, but for ourselves!”: Vasil Shaikhraziyev calls on the Tatars to actively participate in  preparation of the Strategy for  Development of the Tatar People

January 16, 2019

In 2018, the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, in his address  to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, stated the need to develop and adopt a Strategy for the Development of the Tatar People, entrusting  implementation of this task to the World Tatar Congress (WCT). In turn, the Congress attracted the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Institute of Language, Literature and Art and the World Forum of Tatar Youth (WFTM) to develop the document. The working groups of these organizations  have  prepared their proposals for the Strategy and combined them in a form of the  sketch. Recently, the  sketch has been  presented to the Tatar public, now discussions are taking place on it.

Meetings on the draft Strategy with the participation of scientists, public figures, Tatar activists have already been held twice – on January 11 and 14 in the building of the World Congress of Tatars. From January 16, discussions will begin in the regions of Tatarstan, from February in the regions of Russia.

“In the sketch, we have  identified development vectors, let’s do the rest together. We are collecting proposals for the sketch, ”Vasil Shaykhraziyev, Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Milli Schur National Council, explained the essence of the work.

After processing all proposals on the basis of the draft, a draft Strategy will be created, which will be presented to the public on June 15 at the traditional annual Muslim Tatar congress “Izge Bolgar Jyeny”. It is expected that the Development Strategy of the Tatar people will  be adopted by the Republic Day on  August 30.

The chairman of the Milli Shura Council, Vasil Shaykhraziev, called on the Tatars to actively participate in  development of the Strategy. “We write strategy not for the report, but for ourselves!” – he stressed.

“We now need to deliberately go to the project. “We all need to understand the way we go forward,” says Vasil Shayhraziev. – We accept offers every day. We can write, call: participate, offer. We are now like a sponge – we absorb everything that they want to convey to us, we accept proposals for consideration. Getting started with a blank slate. ”

Proposals for the Development Strategy of the Tatar people can be sent to the World Tatar Congress. Telephone: (843) 236-59-16. Email address: [email protected]. All materials on the strategy are placed on a special section of the WCT website.


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