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Towards jubilees

Towards jubilees

May 3, 2018, the regular meeting of the Council of the Samara Regional Tatar Society (SRTS)”Tugan tel”  held


May 3, 2018, the regular meeting of the Council of the Samara Regional Tatar Society (SRTS)”Tugan tel” was held, at which they elected a delegate to participate in the 7th Extraordinary Congress of the World Congress of Tatars, summed up the results of the XXII regional children’s and youth festival of the Tatar culture “Miras”, proposals related to the preparation and holding of the 5th anniversary of the information media portal “Samar Tatarlary”, the 30th anniversary of the SRTS “Tugan tel.”

Opening the meeting,  president of the society I.G. Shakurov told that according to the decision of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Public Associations “World Congress of Tatars”, from July 7 to 22, 2018 in Kazan, the VII Extraordinary Congress of the World Congress of Tatars is to be  held, on the agenda day of which the issue of amending the Charter of the World Congress of Tatars. The decision of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars established a quota of 1 delegate from each public organization that is part of the World Congress of Tatars.

Having listened to the information, the members of the Council of SRTS “Tugan tel” unanimously elected Ilyas Gumerovich Shakurov as a delegate for participation in the VII Extraordinary Congress of the World Congress of Tatars.

The second issue on the agenda of the meeting was summarizing the results of the XXII regional children’s and youth festival-contest of Tatar culture “Miras”. Members of the Council of SRTS “Tugan tel” were satisfied with the event, it was decided to prepare a Gratitude from  “Tugan tel” to the director of the festival Iskandar Zinurovich Saitov.


Then, issues and proposals related to the preparation and holding of the 5th anniversary of the information media portal “Samar Tatarlary” in October 2018, the 30th anniversary of the SRTS “Tugan tel” in 2019 were considered.



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