Home / News / A sketch of the Strategy for the Development of the Tatar People has been   presented to the staff of the World Congress of Tatars
A sketch of the Strategy for the Development of the Tatar People has been   presented to the staff of the World Congress of Tatars

A sketch of the Strategy for the Development of the Tatar People has been   presented to the staff of the World Congress of Tatars

Today, the first developments on the Strategy for the Development of the Tatar People have been  presented to the staff of the World Tatar Congress. According to the Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Vasil Shaikhraziev, every employee of the Congress should know what kind of document it is and be able to convey to others the essence.

Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, Deputy Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars, DaniyaZagidullina acquainted the collective with the structure of the prepared sketch and points, which later should become the basis of the roadmap for progressing  the Tatar nation. “I am a Tatar” is the main idea that should unite the people and which needs to be conveyed. Therefore, the slogan proposed for the Strategy is the slightly modified words by  S.Mardzhani – “Kem Min,  Tatar bulmagach”.

Daniya  Zagidullina told about the tasks and goals that had been defined in the sketch. She presented the footholds and directions to be considered when developing the Strategy.

– This sketch will change in the course of discussions. We must find our strengths and develop them. Based on the strategy of the Tatar people, a roadmap needs to be developed, ”said Daniya Zagidullina.

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