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“ALGA TO ORIGINS”: about the Development Strategy of the Tatar world, ethnobrends and cultural code

“ALGA TO ORIGINS”: about the Development Strategy of the Tatar world, ethnobrends and cultural code

“ALGA TO ORIGINS”: about the Development Strategy of the Tatar world, ethnobrends and cultural code

January 08, 2019


about the Tatar World Development Strategy, ethnobrends and cultural code


Ph.D., associate professor Sazhida Batalova,

Chairman of the Regional National

Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars of Buryatia,

The national and cultural development of the territories is the most important nationally preserving component, ensuring the preservation of the national traditions, language, material culture and spiritual heritage of the peoples of Russia.

For any nation, to find a foothold for its development, it is necessary to remember that everything starts from the beginning. A man is, like a tree, the more powerful the roots are, the stronger the trunk, the greater the crown and the richer  fruits. A person is successful when he is firmly on his feet, when he eats from his roots. And the roots are not only close and dear ones, this is our whole clan, it is the egregore that protects and saves us in difficult times. In other words, it is the call of blood, which we are not always aware of.

In  youth,  the national identity is of no concern to anyone. In my youth, this is the question: Why do I need this? After forty: Why I do not know? And after sixty people the thought torments: How did I live without it?

A successful person brought up on the spiritual and moral values ​​of his people will be able to achieve a lot and bring considerable benefits to society. In addition, the better we know our culture and safeguard our traditions, the more we understand the culture of other peoples with great understanding and warmth. This is the only way to cultivate respect for each other, to preserve peace and tranquility on earth.









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