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Appeal by  Mufti of Tatarstan in connection with the Day of Ashur

Appeal by  Mufti of Tatarstan in connection with the Day of Ashur

Appeal by    Mufti of Tatarstan in connection with the Day of Ashur

August 27, 2020 0


Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakyatuhu.

Dear brothers and sisters!

Tomorrow, August 28, after sunset, one of the holy days of the month of Muharram will come. The tenth day of this month is known to Muslims around the world as Ashur’s Day.

Why did Allah choose it and made it blessed by His grace? Ashur  is the day of victory and salvation of many prophets. Thus, the Almighty granted salvation to the Prophet Ibrahim (aleikhi salam) from fire on this day, to the Prophet Yunus (aleikhi salam) from the whale, the Prophet Yakub (aleikhi salam) gained sight, the Prophet Ayub (aleikhi salam), etc. However, the most majestic of those described in the Kur’an is the story of the life and salvation of the Prophet Musa (alayhi salam), under whose leadership and by the will of the Almighty, after long years of slavery, the sons of Israel managed to escape from Egypt. It was on the Day of Ashur that Allah, accepting the prayers of Musa, opened the ways for him and his people, dividing the sea waters so that they could pass along the bottom of the sea and escape from the pursuit of Pharaoh and his troops. When the Egyptian army went along it, the Almighty returned the waters to their previous state, and they swallowed up Pharaoh and all his people. This story is an edification to all mankind about strong and unshakable faith in Allah and in His help and mercy, as well as about the arrogance and arrogance that Pharaoh showed by refusing to believe in the Creator.

It is noteworthy that the Day of Ashur  was glorified not only by Muslims, but also by Jews and Christians. There is a hadith that our beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ, having arrived in Medina, saw that the Jews were fasting on the day of Ashur, following the example of Musa alayhi salam,  also imputed fasting on this day to his ummah. Thus, dear fellow believers, fasting for the pleasure of the Most High is the best thing a Muslim can do on Ashur Day. However, in order to be different from the People of the Book, it is necessary to additionally keep the uraza on the day before or after the day of Ashur.

Dear brothers and sisters! From the history of the Day of Ashur, we see that there is only one path to the Almighty, and it always leads to Paradise. Those who have comprehended the truth, sincerely believe, worship and are guided by the laws of the Creator are able to overcome this path. May Allah grant us strength and opportunity to do good on His path.

Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan

Kamil hazrat Samigullin




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