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Congratulation by  Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars on the Great Victory Day

Congratulation by  Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars on the Great Victory Day


Congratulation by  Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars on the Great Victory Day


May 7, 2019 0

Dear veterans, dear front-line soldiers and home front workers!

I sincerely congratulate you on the 74th anniversary of the great Victory. The Great Patriotic War is one of the most destructive and bloody wars in the history of mankind. In 1941, in the name of the Motherland, in the name of life on Earth, representatives of all nationalities of our country rallied against the common enemy. Protecting their relatives from the invaders, the paternal home, the sons and daughters of the Tatar people also made a significant contribution to the approach of Victory Day.

May 9 for all of us – a holiday with tears of happiness and sadness in  eyes. Millions of our compatriots sacrificed themselves in the name of victory. We must always honor their bright memory. Time to spare anyone, unfortunately, the ranks of our veterans and home front workers are getting smaller every year.

Dear veterans! In our hearts will never run out sincere words of gratitude as a tribute to your feats. We bow our heads before the heroes who, through the ashes and ruins, were able to recreate our former power.

With all my heart we wish you good health, a happy and long life, a peaceful sky over your head. Happy holiday! Eternal glory to the heroes!



Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan,

Chairman of the National Council

World Congress of Tatars V.G. Shaihraziyev



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