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Tatar film evening in Pavlodar held

Tatar film evening in Pavlodar held

At the Tatar-Bashkir public and cultural center of Pavlodar region a cinema evening was held.

The classroom turned into a makeshift cinema hall that did not stop to feel the atmosphere of cinema. Before the audience, young people and children with a welcoming speech Rinat Abdulkayumov – a leader of TBOKTS youth spoke. According to him, the main purpose of the event is to promote the Tatar language and a familiarity with the culture through cinema films. On the history of Tatar cinema told teacher of national revival school named after K.Darzhuman Roza Serazhetdinova.

At the first film evening, Pavlodar Tatars watched movie “Zulaikha” by director Ramil Tukhvatullin, which tells about the historical events associated with the baptism of the Tatars, on the example of the girl from the Tatar avyl named Zulaikha. The film was shown in the Tatar language with Russian subtitles. While viewing the audience were given comments on the peculiarities of culture and life of the Tatars of the time.

After viewing discussion took place, each shared his opinion, someone said about translation of words and sayings from the

film. But most importantly: all came to the conclusion that the mutual respect between cultures and religions – one of the most important values of each person. A confirmation of this – our Kazakhstan, where everyone lives in peace and harmony, despite their ethnic origin and religion.

Ramil Smailov, akbars.kz

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