55 years ago 290 ha in the region of Zhiguli Dam (previous name of Kuybyshev Reservoir) were swamped. Alexeyevsky, Laishevsky and Kuybyshevsky (Spassky) districts suffered the most. According to the specified data from Ulyanovsk researcher Eugene Burdin 149 settlements in Tatarstan were swamped, among them 88 were swamped entirely and 61 – partially. Water instead of forest In 1952 4511 ...
After watching the film “The Horde” I came to the conclusion that the authors have laid an emphasis on barbarism, stupidity and primitivism of the conquerors and tried to present the Tatars as brutal monsters killing the Russians without any reason just for fun. All the Tatars are shown to be the same – there’s no normal human being among ...
Kostroma land is traditionally a multi-ethnic region. Its territory is inhabited by more than 100 ethnic groups. Gulfiya Khafizova has been living in the village of Kurnovo of the Kostroma region for many years, she is well known here, she is very friendly with people. Gulfiya Mubarakovna is Tatar. In her father’s house parents spoke only in the Tatar language, ...
This anniversary date allows us to estimate the development of languages in a multicultural republic of the multinational Russian Federation. There is a point of view that, well, one must not worry about the languages, which sooner or later become extinct, so, it is enough to know English and Russian, and possibly Chinese, to walk boldly across the Earth in ...
At the height of summer, on July 15, in Baku, Tatars celebrated their national festival Sabantuy. Milyausha Gumerova, the responsible official of the World Congress of Tatars, visited Baku and shared the joy of the festival with theTatars living there. The festival, being interrupted by an unexpected downpour, then continued in the hall. – Milyausha Khanum, let’s start our conversation ...
The 20th Anniversary of the World Congress of Tatars is being celebrated by the veterans and the current leaders and activists of the Tatar nation, wherever they may live.
All-Russia meeting of entrepreneurs from Tatar villages is for the first time held in NCC(National cultural center) “Kazan” today. President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov attended the event.
March 23-25, the All-Russian descent of entrepreneurs from Tatar villages was held in Kazan. It was attended by about three hundred delegates from more than thirty regions.