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Daily Archives: 20.06.2013

Meeting with Finish theologians took place in Executive committee of the World Congress of Tatars

Having arrived on June 11  in Kazan  a delegation of scholars-theologians from Finland, visited  yesterday Executive committee of the World Congress of Tatars. During intense and interested conversation the guests:  professors, magister and doctors, specialized on theology and oriental languages  told about their working group. This  group considers various aspects of interaction of Christianity and other religions, in particular, with  ...

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Sabantui took place in Semei

The delegation of Tatarstan was headed by RT State Counselor Mintimer Shaimiev, having arrived on the eve of festive. The World Congress of Tatars ex.com. chairman Rinat Zakirov was in a list of delegation. The first day half,  the guests laid flowers to the monument of Abai, made an excursion to a museum of the Nevzorov family, attended oblast specialized ...

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