"The people who do not know their past, have no future," so the Orenburg young people believe, who had gathered to "Aulak oi " in a restaurant "Shaffran".
From March 20 to April 13 at Moscow House of Nationalities, within the framework of GBU project "MDN" "National holidays", an exhibition of artists from the Republic of Tatarstan "Enicheskoe space. West + East " is to be held.
On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, in Ryazan, at the department of local history of Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library named after M. Gorky the book by Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Cheremin "Kasimov Khanate (XV-XVIII century)" was presented. In the monograph, on the basis of referred, never investigated by researchers, of historical sources, a unique story, in its way, the state - Kasimov Khanate (Meshchera yurt) is given.