Home / News / Shombay-fest starts in Kazan
Shombay-fest starts in Kazan

Shombay-fest starts in Kazan

Shombay-fest starts on June 25 in Kazan. The project is being implemented on the initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ekiyat Puppet Theater. It is being held for the fifth time this year.

“As part of the festival, the Tatar State Puppet Theater “Ekiyat” will celebrate its 90th anniversary,” said Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Damir Natfullin at a conference dedicated to the festival.

According to the speaker, the festival was established in 2013, and over the years about 70 theater groups have taken part in it. “The festival plays a big role in strengthening friendships and relationships between puppet theaters,” he said.

The festival will feature 14 performances. Teams from Belarus and Azerbaijan are expected in Kazan.

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