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Рубрика: National life

Award for Decent Work

Editor-in-Chief of the Samara regional Tatar newspaper Berdemlek (Unity) Agliulin Rafgat Nabiulovich awarded the Medal of the Governor of the Samara oblast “For work for the benefit of Samara land”. “For significant contributions to development of media and Tatar culture in the Samara oblast, maintaining stability in inter-ethnic relations”, – stated in the edict by Governor of the Samara oblast ...

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“To Hay Market came I once again…”

November 22, 2013, at 14.00, an exhibition “To Hay Market came I once again…” dedicated to 105th anniversary of G. Tukai, a satirical poem “Hay Market or New Kisekbash”opens in the Tukai Literary Museum. Collections of the RT National Museum houses many exhibits, which shed light on the heroes of “New Kisekbash” and those parts of Kazan where the events ...

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Denis Murtazin, the Russian select team hope

Today, in Salavat town (Bashkortostan), the World Championship on Belt Wrestling has opened. About 300 athletes from Russia, USA, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Turkey, Mongolia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Estonia and other countries have gathered to prove their skills. The national select team of Russia includes an award-winning wrestler of the Republic of Mordovia, a two-time world champion, ...

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Genealogy of Gabdulla Tukai discussed in Barda

In the center of Barda region of the Perm krai, during the Days of national culture on life and work of the great Tatar poet G. Tukai, an Interregional scientific and practical Conference “Tukai and genealogy” takes place. On the same day, November 15, Recitation Contest “In our hearts, Tukai ” is to be held. As known, this year, in ...

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Tatar organizations in Crimea congratulate Refat Chubarov on his election as head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars

November 4, 2013, Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars Refat Chubarov was congratulated on election to the post of head of the representative body of the Crimean Tatars personally by President of the Crimean Republican Association of Povolzhje Tatars “Idel ” and the Ukrainian Tatar cultural center “Tugan Tel’ Ilmir Temirgaliev, leader of the youth branch of the ...

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