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Рубрика: National life

Putin : Ethnic relations require total attention

In Ufa, Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Presidential Council on Inter-ethnic affairs. Regular meeting of the Council was devoted to the implementation of the state national policy in the Russian Federation. The agenda included also the issues of improvement of regional legal bases, systems, staffing, ethnological monitoring, socio- cultural adaptation and integration of migrants. “For most Russian regions, ...

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The problems of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations will be discussed in Ufa

Yesterday in Ufa, important activities related to the harmonization of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations with participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking place. It is planned to hold a meeting of the Presidential Council on Inter-ethnic relations, the theme of which will be implementation of the state national policy in the regions of Russia. Participants of the meeting under chairmanship ...

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Naberezhny Chelny Tatar drama theater came to Ufa

Tatar Drama Theatre from Naberezhnye Chelny came to Ufa on tour. At the beginning, from October 22 to 25, the Chelny artists will show the best performances on the stage of the Ufa State Tatar Theatre “Nur”. Touring is to be opened by a comedy “Hyyaly” (“Dreamer”), staged by chief director Fail Ibragimov on the play of the Bashkir playwright ...

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In Dyurtyuli, a contest of young performers of Tatar song “Tugan Tel” was held

As previously reported, the 10th Republican contest of young performers of Tatar song “Tugan Tel” took place in Dyurtyuli ( Bashkortstan). This year, a jury assessed the performance skills of young talents in two categories: professional and amateur artists. The winner of the Grand Prix became the only one performer – a student of Academy of Arts of Bashkortstan named ...

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Press conference by Rinat Zakirov at the Tatarstan State Council

On October 18, at a press conference in the national parliament, chairman of executive committee of the WCT, deputy of the State Council Rinat Zakirov informed the media about preliminary results of the World Congress of Tatars in 2013. According to him, the highest priority in the activities of the Congress is preservation and promotion of national education, interaction with ...

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Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov: National mentality is our main competitive advantage

On October 17 Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov met with compatriots living on the territory of the European Union. Co-chairman of “Tatari Germanii” Venera Vagizova introduced activists of Tatar community to Tatarstan President and noted that Tatars from Germany, Lithuania, Great Britain, Czech Republic and France arrived to meet with compatriots from the republic. Board Chairman of the European Alliance of ...

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WCT receives congratulations on Id al-Adkha

In the days of the sacred holiday of Id al – Adha, Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars received numerous congratulations from various organizations and individuals. The message from ” Kasimovskaya local Tatar national- cultural autonomy of the Ryazan region,” says, in part : ” This holiday imbued with the kindest feelings, brings together all people of faith ...

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Visit to Turkey

Creative s Information – Analytical Department of Executive Committee of the World Congress of  Tatars is going to visit the Republic of Turkey for the purpose of recording the program “Halkim Minem” The objects of shooting will become towns and villages, where our compatriots live: Ankara, Izmir, Kyutakhya , Istanbul, Izmir, Begryudelik , Osmaniye, Efendi Kepryusu , Gyursu. During their ...

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