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Activists of the TatarTell project voiced in a Tatar speech by Greta Tunberg at the UN

October 11, 2019 On Youtube  channel the Tatars Urduck   TV,  TatarTell channel mastermind Alsu Hafiz voiced in Tatar a video of Greta Tunberg speaking at the UN. According to Alsu Hafiz, the video was translated and voiced as part of the TatarTell project. “This idea was proposed to us by  historian Ayrat Fayzrakhmanov. In the future, we want to translate ...

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Delegates of the III Congress of the International Association of Tatars of the European Union “Alliance of the Tatars of Europe” arrive in Vienna

October 11, 2019 The 3rd Congress of the International Association of Tatars of the European Union “Alliance of Tatars of Europe” will be held on October 11-13, 2019 in Vienna, Austria. The upcoming congress is a unique event in the life of compatriots abroad, gathering representatives of the Tatar diasporas from 16 countries of Europe. At the congress, the results ...

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In the cities of Europe  screenings of the Tatarstan film “Mulla”  are going

October 10,  2019 In European cities, screenings of the Tatarstan film “Mulla” continue. The other day saw a movie in Frankfurt am Main. As head of the International Union of Tatar Women “Khanum” Gulnur Dautova told IA “Tatar-inform”, the film made a great impression on the German audience, some of them even cried. According to Dautova, the idea to present ...

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The performance “Rooster took to the wattle fence” will be shown on the main stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater

October 08, 2019 Theatrical Olympiad 2019 is a large-scale festival, a platform for  development of global theater integration and dialogue among theatrical figures of different countries. The festival will include tours of the best foreign theaters, national theaters from the regions of Russia, as well as lectures and master classes by leading theater figures. In the framework of the Theater ...

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Days of Uzbek cinema in Kazan

October 07, 2019 October 3 in Kazan at  the cinema “Mir” the Days of Cinema of Uzbekistan have started. Residents of the Republic of Tatarstan had the opportunity to see a special program of Uzbek films. The opening ceremony of the Uzbekistan Film Days in Tatarstan was attended by Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan D. Natfullin, ...

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The ninth international festival of Tatar and Bashkir songs “Idel” will be held in Ufa  

October  07,  2019 On November 15 and 16 at the State Concert Hall “Bashkortostan” the next International Festival-Contest of Tatar and Bashkir songs among young professional performers will be held. This annual project has already gained popularity among participants and spectators. As before, students and graduates of the vocal departments of universities and colleges of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Moscow and other ...

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 Rishad Ziganshin resigned as head of the Tyumen regional autonomy of the Tatars

October 03, 2019 The new chairman of the National Cultural Autonomy (NCA) of the Siberian Tatars and Tatars of the Tyumen region became   host of the Tatar programs “Yana Sulysh” on the channel “Tyumen Time” Leysan Rakhmatullina. The former chairman, a former deputy of the Tyumen City Duma, Rishad Ziganshin, left this post “due to age,” said State Duma deputy ...

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The Halal Committee of the DUM RT participates in the Volga Investment Summit & World Halal Day in Samara

October 03, 2019 Today, a delegation of the Halal Standard Committee of the DUM of the Republic of Tatarstan, headed by  chairman Irek Hazrat Ziganshin, is on a working visit in Samara. The Volga Investment Summit business forum and the World Halal Day International Halal Exhibition are held here from October 3 to 5. More than 500 representatives from 20 ...

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Translations of documents about Kazan from the Ottoman archives will be published in Russian and Tatar

  October 03, 2019 The collection “Kazan in the Ottoman archives” will be published in Russian and Tatar languages. This was told by  chairman of the State Committee for Archival Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan Gulnara Gabdrakhmanova. “The collection” Kazan in the Ottoman archives “is being prepared for publication now in Russian and Tatar languages. Some of the materials ...

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