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The 265th anniversary of the national Bashkir hero Salavat Yulaev was celebrated in Canada

June 17, 2019 The Tatars and Bashkirs of Toronto  have  celebrated the anniversary of the hero-warrior and poet Salavat Yulaev. The meeting was very emotional and saturated. We watched a documentary about the personality  of Salavat.  The pages of his biography were remembered. People got  familiarized themselves with how the name of Salavat is perpetuated, and how the people protect ...

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The 10th jubilee  of  All-Russian  Village  Sabantui will be held in Samara

The 10th jubilee  of  All-Russian  Village  Sabantui will be held in Samara June 17, 2019 On June 29, the village of Kamyshla of the Samara oblast will become the center of  All-Russian   holiday. The All-Russia Village  Sabantuy is held spearheaded by  the World Tatar Congress and with the support of the President of Tatarstan and the Governor of the Samara ...

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 Vasil Shaikhraziyev: “Sabantuy is strideong on the planet!”

une  13,   2019 A Tallinn-Kazan video bridge took place today, in which the first secretary of the Russian embassy Alexei Kotelnikov, a member of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Gulzalina Zhehtunova,  chairman of the cultural society of Narva Tatars Maryam Malysheva took part, in Kazan  Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan , Chairman of the National Council ...

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Postcards about Tatar national costume were issued in Yakutsk

June 12, 2019 House of Friendship of Peoples named after A.E. Kulakovsky released a set of postcards “Tatar national costume” (men’s folk clothing). The compiler of the unique series “National Costume” is a leading methodologist in the library business of the resource educational and methodological center of the House of Friendship of Peoples  named after  A.E. Kulakovsky  Iraida Korkina. Artistic ...

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All-European Sabantui will be held in Tallinn

June 12, 2019 For the first time, the capital of Estonia, Tallinn, will open its doors for guests of the All-European Sabantui, which will be held on June 16 at Tower Square. The festival will be held with the support of the city of Tallinn and personally under the direction of the mayor, Mr. Mikhail Kylvart. The event will bring ...

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In districts of the Penza region began to celebrate the Tatar national holiday

June 11, 2019 In the districts of the Penza region began to celebrate the Tatar national holiday “Sabantuy – 2019”. This is a celebration symbolizing the end of spring field work. The delegation of the Tatar national-cultural autonomy of the Penza region headed by the chairman Zhigansha Zeynyatullovich Tuktarov attended festive events in the village of Reshetino, Pachelmsky district and ...

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The exposition is dedicated to the upcoming anniversary – the 100th anniversary of the founding of the TASSR.

Today, in the center of the Hermitage-Kazan State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Preserve Kazan Kremlin, a grand opening of a large-scale art exhibition of Tatar artists from St. Petersburg called «Invisible Ties» with the Motherland   has taken place. The exhibition was opened with the support of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in the city of St. Petersburg and ...

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Vasil Shaikhraziev and Leonid Kalashnikov discussed working with compatriots

Today,  Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov, accompanied by  Chairman of the Committee on State Building and Local Self-Government Albert Khabibullin, visited the World Tatar Congress. L. Kalashnikov is the co-chairman of the organizing committee of the VIII Kazan Eurasian Scientific and Practical Forum “Integration and Modernization Potential of ...

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