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A forum of national and regional mass media will be held in Kazan

A forum of national and regional mass media will be held in Kazan August14, 2018 From August 16 to August 18, the VII Forum of National and Regional Mass Media will be held in Kazan. About 150 representatives of mass media from all over Russia will take part in it. During the forum, delegates will discuss the current state and ...

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Organizers TAT ​​CULT FEST – about the “Dream Festival” and the state of the Tatar culture

Organizers TAT ​​CULT FEST – about the “Dream Festival” and the state of the Tatar culture August 14,  2018 In late August, Kazan will host a festival of contemporary urban culture and arts TAT ​​CULT FEST. It will not be limited to one day and one site: five locations, a multi-format program and association of communities – this concept is ...

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In Kazan, a store of the Tatar book publishing house opens

In Kazan, a store of the Tatar book publishing house opens August 14, 2018 The store is located in GUM (Central Dept. Store) . The new store offers more than 1500 items of art, historical, popular science, reference and educational literature. In addition, there are books on sale both of famous classics of Tatar literature, as well as novice authors, richly ...

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Monuments to Tukay and Tolstoy will be installed in the Higher School of National Culture and Education of the KFU

Monuments to Tukay and Tolstoy will be installed in the Higher School of National Culture and Education of the KFU August 14,  2018 In the foyer of the Higher School of National Culture and Education of the KFU (after repair, the institute will be located in the building at Tatarstan, 2 – note T-i), monuments to  Gabdulla Tukay and Leo ...

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A Tatar camp works in Spain

A Tatar camp works in Spain August 13, 2018 The Tatar camp on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea was replenished these days by a group of guys from Aktanysh  village. “Tatar Camp for Kids in Spain” – the initiative and product of the public organization “Tatars in Belgium”, located in the resort area near the city of Alicante, has ...

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In the Moscow region a festival of the Tatar-Bashkir youth “Yoldyzlar Yangyry”  held

In the Moscow region a festival of the Tatar-Bashkir youth “Yoldyzlar Yangyry”  held August 13, 2018 The main goal of the festival is to unite not only the Tatar youth, but also the Tatar organizations. On August 11-12, a festival of Tatar and Bashkir youth “Yoldyzlar Yangyry” was held in Staraya Kupavna, Moscow Region. The event attracted about 200 people. ...

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Tuktarov replaced Akzhigitova as head of the Tatar autonomy of the Penza region

Tuktarov replaced Akzhigitova as head of the Tatar autonomy of the Penza region August 3, 1 2018 Chairman of the Board of the Charity Fund “Siyaniye (Shining)”,e head of the  LDPR  faction  in the Penza City Council, Zhigansha Tuktarov replaced Bakir Akzhigitov as head of the regional Tatar national-cultural autonomy. According to Zhigansha  Tuktarov, Bakir Akzhigitov’s statement about the resignation ...

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