July 14-15, 2016, the International Scientific and Practical Conference hosted «V Karimullinskie readings." Memorial readings were dedicated to the memory of outstanding scientist and artist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan,
June 3-4, 2016, a delegation consisting of head of Dmitrov town V. Logachev, chairman of RTNKA MO (Regional Tatar National Cultural Autonomy, Moscow oblast) F.Mukhtasarov, Chairman of the MTNKA of the Dmitrov rayon R. Bulatov, head of the group "Tatar tunes" from town Podolsk H. Suleymanova and representative of the cultural department of the Administration of Dmitrov rayon O. Bogomolova at the official invitation to visit the Republic of Tatarstan visited Mamadysh region.
From May 19 to 22, 2016, the capital of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia, hosted the International scientific round table "Volga Bulgaria: History and Civilization" and Sabantui 2016 in Bulgaria.