Within the framework of the national program "The united family of peoples of Uzbekistan" in Tashkent, at the Palace "Turkistan" a solemn evening of the Tatar language, art and culture, dedicated to the Day of Tatarstan, the 24th anniversary of Uzbekistan's Independence, the 55th anniversary of the Tatar-Bashkir ensemble "Yashlek", 30th anniversary of the Tatar-Bashkir ensemble "Duslyk," the 25th anniversary of the Tatar Public Cultural and Educational Centre (TPCEC) of Tashkent, the 15th anniversary of the Tatar group "Bulgar" took place
From October 16 to 18, in Paris, the 2nd Congress of the International Association of Tatars of the EU "European Alliance of Tatars " is due to be held.
From early morning on the Profintern street 5, in Barnaul, the sounds of the boyan and singing in the Tatar language are heard. Here, at the round table the company of close ones from the center of Tatar culture Dulkyn has gathered.
October 10, International scientific-practical conference "Islamic education in Tatarstan: Past, Present and Future", dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the Republic of Tatarstan Buinsk madrassas will be held.
At the old Tatar village Azeev, the Yermishinsky rayon of the Ryazan Region, the museum has been inaugurated in honor of a native of the village Azeevo, a major statesman of the Soviet epoch, the great son of the Tatar people Fikryat Akhmetzakievich Tabeev.
In St. Petersburg, the official opening of the monument to Lev Gumilev in the courtyard of the Oriental Faculty of Saint Petersburg State University took place.