Home / News / Afghan young people are interested in Tatar culture
Afghan young people are interested in Tatar culture

Afghan young people are interested in Tatar culture


Today, two students – Kurban Nazar Nazari and Sakib Tadzhutdin – visited the World Congress of Tatars. Both young people are educated at the Astrakhan State Technical University. The guys also are  learning  the Tatar language in online courses organized by the World Congress of Tatars for the Tatars of Afghanistan.

The guests were received by  head of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars Danis Fanisovich Shakirov. As it became known, students receive education in Astrakhan in accordance with the quota allocated by Russia. They talked about their impressions of Kazan and that Tatar history is extremely interesting for them.

Danis Shakirov invited young people to visit Bolgar, visit Kyrlay, get acquainted with the life and work of Gabdulla Tukai. At the end of the meeting, he presented them with the book “Tatar dunyasy” (“Tatar world”), dedicated to the history of the Tatars.

We remind  that with  participation of Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the All-Union Committee of the Russian Federation Vasil Shaikhraziev, teleconferences were held with the Tatars of Afghanistan on several occasions. As a result, now online courses have been organized for those wishing to learn  the Tatar language. Earlier in Afghanistan, after the birth of a child, Tatars could not enter their nationality as a Tatar into the birth certificate. Since they were not included in the Constitution as a nation and there was no such column in the electronic version. With the support of Tatarstan, this issue was resolved positively. It is currently known that more than 700 thousand Tatars live in 14 provinces of Afghanistan.


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