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Kamal Theatre presented a new corporate identity

Kamal Theatre presented a new corporate identity

On the eve of the anniversary of 110th season, Kamal Theatre presented a new corporate identity to journalists. The presentation was attended by chief director of the G. Kamal Tatar State Academic Theatre Farid Bikchantaev, theater director Ilfir Yakupov and theater critic Niaz Iglamov.

As told Niaz Iglamov, two years ago, together with the Institute of Theatre “Golden Mask” in Moscow held a meeting of theatre groups with young designers. Designer Natalia Agapova offered herself to engage in designing Kamal theater, as it was interesting because it was last changed 8 years ago. She came to Kazan, went to plays, museums, walked around the city, studying patterns, fonts, since the XX century.

So, by today printed output of the Theatre has changed, as well as the website. Among the most significant changes – logo of the theater. The basic version of the new logo consists of the name of the theater and interlinear Tatar, Russian and English. Frame

of logo repeats the shape of the roof of the theater. The main colors of the new style became red and black, in print and online – turquoise and gray.

“The task of the designer was to connect the history with modernity. There is nothing accidental, it is a long hard work on study of theatrical posters. Today Natalya Agapov – most chief specialist on Tatar theatrical playbill. Turquoise color symbolizes modernity, the lake Kaban, the roof of the theater, and monochrome printing range in 20-30 years, for a long time it was red and black. We need to get used to this design. Now, we – the theater of world level. We have positioned ourselves well, so feel and so behave ourselves “- Niaz Iglamov said.

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