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Tatar language is studied in Syzran

Tatar language is studied in Syzran

August  28, 2019

Soon begins a new academic year and the National-Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars of the city of  Syzran announced enlisting people wishing to study the Tatar language and writing.

About 9 thousand Tatars live in Syzran. Many of them strive to carefully preserve their native language. But sometimes they  want to replenish their knowledge, to master not only spoken, but also literary language. And the National-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of the city helps in this. Sizran.

Courses on learning  the Tatar language in the premises of the Center for Tatar Culture of the National Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars Syzran has been held since 2016. Over two years, more than 50 people of different ages have passed training – adults and children.

In 2018, the organization received funds from the Presidential Grants Fund for the development of the material, technical and methodological base for organizing courses for the study of the Tatar language, writing, ethnography and culture, and conducting socio-cultural events in the city of Syzran and other territories in order to develop the Tatar culture and familiarize the city residents with the language, culture and traditions of the Tatar people, through the creation of an ethnographic museum of Tatar culture.

With these funds, a classroom was equipped and the necessary equipment was purchased – desks and chairs, a projector, an interactive whiteboard, computers and laptops, teaching aids and books. Presidential grant money was allocated not only for technical equipment, but also a partial payment for the work of teachers.

The project will be implemented within two years. Now autonomy is provided with everything necessary for the organization of the educational process. But this is not going to stop the syzraners. The next stage will be participation in the competition for a grant from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.


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