Home / News / The Tatar exhibition “Beirim: Relics and Traditions” has opened in Tyumen
The Tatar exhibition “Beirim: Relics and Traditions” has opened in Tyumen

The Tatar exhibition “Beirim: Relics and Traditions” has opened in Tyumen

The Tatar exhibition “Beirim: Relics and Traditions” has opened in Tyumen

August 15, 2018


August 14, the birthday of the Tyumen region, at the museum complex name after I.Ya. Slovtsov  the  exhibition “Beirim: Relics and Traditions” dedicated to the Muslim holiday of Kurban Bairam, the centuries-old culture of the northernmost Muslim peoples – the Siberian Tatars and Tatars of the Volga region  has  opened.

– The Tyumen region is not only a storehouse of natural resources, but also a treasury of original cultures. Western Siberia became the home of 150 nationalities with their rich traditions and customs. Our task is to preserve this unique multinational color for posterity, “said Alexander Moor, governor of the Tyumen region.

The exhibition project is presented in four locations and will be interesting and understandable to representatives of different nations and denominations.

Fans of painting can admire the paintings, donated by artists of Tatarstan, from the collections of the Tyumen and Tobolsk museums – “Reading Tukay”, “Portrait of Suzge” and others. Representatives of the fair sex will appreciate the ancient collection of female jewelry made of high quality silver and gems, festive headdresses (“kalfak”) with gold embroidery.

Plunge into the world of Tatar culture will help a fragment of the interior of a dwelling peasant house, kazan for cooking, kumgans for boiling water, Arabic coffee sets.

The central exhibit of the exhibition was a sacred Muslim relic – the Hair of the Prophet Muhammad. As Zinnat Khazrat Sadykov, mufti of the Tyumen region, said, the region is one of four territories in Russia, along with Bashkiria, Tatarstan and the Caucasus, where this rarity is kept.

– The hair is gray, from the beard of the Prophet. According to one of the legends, the disciples of Mohammed after his death cut off his beard and kept it for posterity. On the Tyumen land, a sacred relic came from an outstanding man, a merchant, philanthropist Nigmatulla Karmyshakov-Saidukov. He brought the hair of the Prophet in the 80s of the 19th century from a journey through the Middle East. Artifact until the 20-ies of the 20th century was kept in the mosque of the village of Embaevo, then moved to the fund of the Tyumen Museum. In the window where the hair of the Prophet Muhammad is exposed, a set of objects related to him is presented: a casket, a small Koran, a rosary, – says Marina Volkhina, a senior researcher at the Tyumen Museum and Educational Association. – No less important are the rare books that can be seen at the exhibition, for example, the multivolume of a complete collection of legal laws published in Cairo last century.

The work of the exhibition will last till October 14.


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