Home / News / On the stage of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater the tour of the theater G. Kamal to take place
On the stage of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater  the tour of the theater G. Kamal  to take place

On the stage of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater the tour of the theater G. Kamal to take place

On the stage of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater  the tour of the theater after G. Kamal to take place

17.07.  2018

From September 14 to September 16, on the stage  of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater will be   the tour of the Tatar State Academic Theater named after G. Kamal.

September 14, 19.00, “The Blue Shawl”, K. Tinchurin, director Farid Bikchantaev.

This play became a kind of symbol of the Tatar theater. Audience interest in it is not weakening, the play has long gained a legendary status. The continuing popularity of the Blue Shawl, a play written back in 1926, gives rise to riddles. In this weak, from the literary point of view, the play there is a poetic cipher, coding eternally young and eternally beautiful images of the man and woman national ideal, rebellious, freedom-loving spirit of the people, uniting the Tatars of all Russian regions love for their native land. In order to understand the phenomenon of the Tatar theater – you need to see the “The Blue Shawl”, to feel it not at the level of the event series, but tuned in to its powerful emotional wave.

September 15, 18.00, “Belated Summer”, I. Zainiyev, director Farid Bikchantaev.

The human life consists of many stages, but the result of it invariably becomes old age. Someone takes the current of the time as it should, having reconciled with the state of things, and someone, like the heroes of the new play  by Ilgiz Zainiev, led by the cheerful eccentric Halima, thinks otherwise … Cling to a world of age-limited opportunities? To talk only about sores and pensions? No, it’s not for them. Discovering new talents, breathing deeply, letting love into your life, which all ages are submissive – that’s life! The starting point of the action is the forthcoming departure of the heroine to the distant city of Vladivostok …

September 16, 18.00, “The cock flew to the wattle fence”, A. Gilyazov, director Farid Bikchantaev.

The play about the discord of two families because of a trifle, because of the desire to dominate the district, because of slavish worship of the attributes of everyday comfort, because of the psychology of philistinism. A deeper semantic layer that makes this thing particularly relevant today is located at the level of a simple, but not yet understood, idea not accepted by Tatar society. The power of the people is in unity! And you do not need to wait for trouble to unite, because it’s so simple – to stretch a friend’s hand through the wattle fence.


of the Republic of Tatarstan

in the Republic of Uzbekistan




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