Home / News / Celebrations to be held in the framework of the 135th anniversary of the birth of Gabdulla Tukay  
Celebrations to be held in the framework of the 135th anniversary of the birth of Gabdulla Tukay   

Celebrations to be held in the framework of the 135th anniversary of the birth of Gabdulla Tukay  


Solemn republican events within the framework of the 135th anniversary of the birth of Gabdulla Tukai this year will take place not only in Kazan, but also at   the homeland of the great poet – in Kyrlay.

From 11.30 to 13.00 at  the homeland of Gabdulla Tukai – in the village of New Kyrlay, a holiday of national poetry will be held with the participation of famous cultural figures and the general public. The holiday will be organized on the territory of the State Literary and Memorial Museum Complex of Gabdulla Tukay. For those who wish from Kazan: a free transfer is provided from the G. Kamal Tatar State Academic Theater. To do this, you must submit an application by April 24 at the link: https: //docs.google.com/forms/d/1h08VJtWbzV_LpG8TTMnQNj25nbDojGpbdrredtCeLlQ/edit? Usp = sharing.

It is important to note that the village of Novy Kyrlay is one of the main centers of the Zakazanye – the cradle of the Tatar national culture and literary language, an important concentration of national meanings. It was in Kyrlay that Gabdulla Tukai learned the basics of literacy, learned hard work, met and fell in love with folk holidays, songs and fairy tales for the rest of his life. The meanings and lessons of life that Tukai received in Kyrlay then became the main themes of his work.

The celebrations in Kazan will begin with the laying of flowers at the monument to Gabdulla Tukay. At 12.00 a wide cultural program will be opened by the literary museum of Gabdulla Tukai (74 Tukai st.), Here – on the street stage, a poetic and musical festival called “Yadkurlәrdu – Tukai ruhy” will be held.

From 14.00 to 16.00 at the monument to Gabdulla Tukai on Teatralnaya Street, a traditional poetry festival will be held. Kazantsev and guests of the capital are expected to perform by famous poets and writers, public figures.

The annual action “Min tatarcha suilushum” will take place on the main pedestrian street of the capital of Tatarstan. The action with performers of modern Tatar music, representatives of creative youth will take place from 15.00 to 20.00 near the intersection of Bauman and Universitetskaya streets. In addition, within the framework of the event, it is planned to launch the Yalkyn Internet competition, summing up the results of the Tatar-patrol quest, presenting the ironic anti-award “Hard with the Tatar”, an online broadcast with the participation of activists of Tatar culture and science.

At 18.00 at the Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil with the participation of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, representatives of state and municipal authorities, famous cultural figures and representatives of the creative unions of the Republic of Tatarstan, the award ceremony of Gabdulla Tukai awards in 2021 will take place. After the awarding ceremony, the popular musical “Altyn Kazan” will be shown.

In addition, on April 26, throughout the day, a photo zone dedicated to Tukai will work on the site in front of the Kariev Theater. In the evening of the same day, the theater will show the performance “Pechun Bazaars” (“Hay Bazaar”) (beginning at 18:30). It is based on key episodes of the poet’s biography and works that are central to his work.

At the national art gallery “Khazine”, the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, there will be an exhibition “I will be the new sun …”. The exhibition shows the most famous photographs of Gabdulla Tukai with the stories of their creation, as well as the poet’s first lifetime books with illustrations made by anonymous Tatar artists in the first half of the 1910s. Works from the museum’s funds supplement this history of the beginning of the century and demonstrate the pictorial evolution of both Gabdulla Tukay himself and illustrations to his works over the course of the century. A thematic exhibition dedicated to the great poet will operate at the Gabdulla Tukai International Airport.


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