Home / News / During the XI All-Russian Forum of Religious Figures, celebration of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria will start
During the XI All-Russian Forum of Religious Figures,  celebration of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria will start

During the XI All-Russian Forum of Religious Figures, celebration of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria will start

Today, within the walls of the World Congress of Tatars, a meeting of the Council “Coordination of the activities of religious organizations” at the World Congress of Tatars (hereinafter referred to as the Council) was held. The meeting was held online on the ZOOM platform with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Vasil Shaikhraziev, Chairman of the Council Rafik Mukhammetshin, Head of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars Danis Shakirov, Advisor to the World Congress of Tatars Rinat Zakirov, Deputy Head of the World Congress of Tatars World Congress of Tatars –  head of the committee for work with Tatar public associations of the regions of the Russian Federation Mars Tukayev,  chief kazyi of the Republic of Tatarstan Jalil Hazrat Fazlyev, rector of the madrasah “1000th Anniversary of the Adoption of Islam” Ilyas Hazrat Ziganshin.

The key topic of discussion was the holding of the XI All-Russian Forum of Religious Figures “National Identity and Life” on June 3-5, 2021.

“Last year, due to the pandemic, it was not possible to organize the Forum. As of today, there are no restrictions on its holding, ”said the chairman of the National Council.

As you know, 2022 is marked by the celebration of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgaria. According to Vasil Shaikhraziev, the celebration of a significant date will start during the current Forum.

During the meeting,  members of the Council shared their views on the organizational issues. So, the chairman of the Council Rafik Mukhammetshin noted that today the issue of determining the list of sections of the Forum stands apart. “One of the main problems is working in social networks. Only half of the young people who consider themselves Muslims go to the mosque. Therefore, we need to focus on youth platforms, ”said the speaker.

“The traditional theme of the Forum is the use of the Tatar language in religious organizations. This year, this topic is becoming especially relevant, ”added Rafik Hazrat.


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