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Happy Holidays! Happy Victory Day!

Happy Holidays! Happy Victory Day!


Dear war veterans and home front workers!

On behalf of the national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of the city of Dimitrovgrad and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day – May 9.

Victory Day is a holiday of military glory, valor and courage, fortitude and patriotism of our people.

Dear veterans! Sincere words of gratitude in tribute to your deeds will never run out in our hearts. We bow our heads to our heroes, who, through the ashes and ruins, were able to recreate our former power.

With all my heart I wish you good health, a happy and long life, and a peaceful sky overhead.

Happy Holidays! Happy Victory Day!

Respectfully yours, Chairman of the Tatar National Cultural Autonomy


Fanis Zabbarov


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