The festival will take place on June 19, 2021 at 12 o’clock in the village of Portyanur, Paranga region of the Republic of Mari El, during the celebration of the annual Sabantuy holiday.
The organizers of the festival are an initiative group of residents of the village of Portyanur
Paranginsky district of the Republic of Mari El. Festival Coordinators: Kabirov Ramis Gabdulfatovich, Daminov Rustam Mubarakovich, Khafizov Ilsaf Ildusovich and Fatykhov Ruslan Niruslamovich.
All comers take part in the festival: amateur and professional musicians, soloists, ensembles. The age of the participants is not limited. The programs of the festival participants may include: musical works of Tatar
composers – classics, contemporary authors and folk songs (folklore). Each of the participants performs one piece, no more than 5 minutes long. A concert number may include: solo play on folk instruments, play on folk instruments in an ensemble, vocals with musical accompaniment of folk instruments (performer independently plays a folk instrument and performs a song or dance).
The jury “May 5, 2021 determines the soloists and groups that have passed qualifying stage and are invited to participate in the Festival. Participants who passed qualifying stage, appropriate notifications have been sent.