All-Russia public organization 'Federation of National Wrestling "Tatarcha Kuresh"'
Wrestling "Kuresh" has its deepest roots, and along with the customs, rites and traditions, it is a part of the national culture of the Tatar people.
On the territory of Russia in the areas where Tatars, from time immemorial, celebrated the national...
Repablic Public Organization of Tatar women ‘’Ak kalfak’’
Public organization of Tatar women "Ak kalfak" of the Republic of Tatarstan, was established in 1990.
It participates in the formulation of government policy to improve the living conditions of women, families and children resolve issues of concern...
Russian Organization ‘’Tatar villages’’ Federation
The idea of establishing the Association of Tatar villages arose on the eve of the IV congress of the World Congress of Tatars. The importance of combining Tatar villages was mentioned in the speech of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer...
Russian public Found ‘’Tatar gailese’’
All-Russian Public Foundation "Tatar family" is a non-profit public organization, created under the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars. The official order has been registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in 2006.
The task of...
World association of assistanceto the tatar businessmen
The World Association for the Tatar entrepreneurs, established on the initiative ofentrepreneurs from the Russian regions and CIS countries, and the decision of the Executive Committee of the World Tatar Congress on December 11, 2009 in Kazan.