Another issue of Tatar-speaking popular science magazine "Beznen Miras» (№ 12, 2016) with the publications of scientists of the Institute of History of RT Academy of sciences after Sh. Mardzhani was published.
For the 28th consecutive year in Kazan in mid-October a commemoration event is held entitled "Hater kyone" associated with the fall of the Kazan Khanate by troops of Ivan the Terrible in October 1552.
September 18-20, 2016, at the Kazan Kremlin, on the basis of the State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve "The Kazan Kremlin" and Center "Hermitage-Kazan" an international round table devoted to the book of Ahmad ibn Fadlan, his epoch and archaeological collections will be held .
September 9 historians and local lore specialists of the Republic of Crimea and the Tyumen oblast at the round table "From the Crimea to Siberia: the preservation and popularization of the medieval historical and cultural heritage" will discuss the issues of historical heritage of the Tatar khanates - Crimean and Siberian ones.
August 28, the residents of Kurennaya Oshma, a small taiga Tatar village, founded over 100 years ago by the Tatars-Stolypins, celebrated the 100th anniversary of their mosque.
In XVII-XVIII centuries eastern Tatarstan was in his prime, and Kazan Tatars experienced a decline. What discoveries have been made in the East recently, told historian Albert Burkhanov.
August 25, at St. Petersburg, in the park on the Havana street., 18, the ceremony of laying flowers to the monument of the poet-hero M. Jalil took place.
August 20, 2016, in the village of Mochalov (Munchayev) Drozhzhanovsky District of RT within the IX- "Days of the village" (Avyl bayryame) the 5th Interregional Munchalinskie readings (Munchyale ukulary) were held.
April 8, 2016 (Friday), in the conference hall of the Institute of History after Sh. Mardzhani, Tatartsan Academy of Sciences, a regular meeting of the Club of lovers of history and culture of the Tatars of Kazan at the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan was held.