Historians of Tatarstan for more than 10 years have been working with Romanian scientists -Tatars, wrote the famous historian, archaeologist Albert Burkhanov.
As part of the commemorative events dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Tatar poet-hero Musa Jalil February 15-16, International scientific conference "Jalil readings" are due to held.
January 15, 2016, at 13:00, G. Tukai Literary Museum invites to the evening-meeting "New Age", dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the first issue of the literary, scientific- social magazine "Al-Ghasr al-Jadid" ("New Age").
The North Kazakhstan regional Friendship House hosted a presentation of the second enlarged edition of the book "Tatars in the north of Kazakhstan", edited by the journalist, honorary citizen of the SKO, cultural worker of the Republic of Tatarstan Raisa Bikmukhametova.
The objective of this conference - to bring together researchers, teachers and educators, local historians, museum professionals, community leaders, veterans of war, labor and armed forces, university students and pupils of schools, lyceums and colleges in the city of Kazan and regions of the Republic of Tatarstan in understanding the importance of studying the history and culture of Tatarstan and the peoples of the Volga-Urals region, educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism.
November 20, in the village Sarabikulovo of the Leninogorsk rayon of Tatarstan an All-Russian Scientific, Local History Conference titled "Man and Nature in Leninogorsk region and South-East Tatarstan.
With a content of the seven-volume "History of the Tartars" it is possible to get acquainted on the official website of the Institute of History named after Sh. Marzhdani, RT Academy of sciences tataroved.ru.
The Executive Committee of the World Tatar Congress October 29-30, 2015, held an All-Russian Forum of local lore in Kazan, for which from many regions of Russia came more than 150 local historians: journalists, teachers, museum workers, representatives of other professions, united by an interest in the history of the Tatars in the places of their residence. We note the number of the most representative of the delegation were from Bashkortostan. For the first time in one room we met Kazan expert historians, many enthusiasts, researchers and students of the Kazan universities.
October 27 this year in the building of the Russian Geographical Society, which was established on the highest command of Tsar Nicholas I in 1845 to "study the native land and the people inhabiting it" a solemn meeting of the Polar Commission of the Russian Geographical Society was held.