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Рубрика: National life

Educational-methodical trip of the National Museum of Tatarstan to Boldin and Saransk

June 17-18, 2014, a group researchers of RT NM and its affiliated museums in order to learn the experience of cultural and educational exposition and exhibition activities of the State Literary Memorial Museum and Natural reserve A.S. Pushkin “Boldin” and Mordova united Republican museum of local lorea after I.D.Voronina held educational and methodical trip to Boldin and Saransk The trip ...

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Rinat Zakirov: “When something happens among Tatars, they immediately say: where WCT (World Congress of Tatars) looks at ?”

What caused DISCORD of Tatars in Moscow and Kiev, WHY “Tatneft” must intervene in the affairs of the Tatar community in Kiev and by what Fauzia Bairamova is busy with in WCT? Chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Tatar Congress Rinat Zakirov is going to the end to defend his opinion on the Presidency of the Republic of ...

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NEW BOOK by Fauzia Bayramova

In Kazan, a new book by writer, candidate of historical sciences Fauzia Bayramova “Sakhalin Island and the Tatars.” has been published. In 2012, she was almost a month in Sakhalin, visited 8 cities, 2 villages where Tatars live, worked in archives, collecting enormous amount of material about the history of the island of Sakhalin. The book depicts in detail period ...

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Rustam Minnikhanov takes part in a federal Sabantui

Today, June 15, during his working visit to the Tomsk region, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the celebration of the federal Sabantui. RT President was accompanied by the regional governor Sergei Zhvachkin. In the morning, President of Tatarstan visited the White Cathedral Mosque of Tomsk city. Here, Rustam Minnikhanov was told about of Muslim life in the city ...

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