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In Mordovia  the most beautiful Tatarochka(Tatar girl)) to be chosen

In Mordovia  the most beautiful Tatarochka (Tatar girl) to be chosen September 26, 2018 For the first time in the republic there will be a competition “Tatar kyzy Mordovia – 2018”. This is a unique event that will allow Tatar girls living in the region -13 to show their beauty and demonstrate their talents. The main task of the contest ...

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Council of Youth at the Representation  of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation will celebrate its jubilee

Council of Youth at the Representation  of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation will celebrate its jubilee September 25, 2018 This year, the Council of Youth at the Representation  of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation celebrates its first anniversary – 5 years! October 6 at 17:00 in the Concert Hall of the Tatar Cultural Center ...

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Tartary – the prototype of the Eurasian Union in the 21st century

Tartary – the prototype of the Eurasian Union in the 21st century September 25, 2018 “What will history tell?” – asked Bernard Shaw. And he answered his own question: “History, sir, lies, as always.” In this regard, I would like to make a few observations on the existence of a country whose name can not be found in any textbook ...

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2019 will be an important stage in preparation for the 100th anniversary in the formation of Tatarstan

2019 will be an important stage in preparation for the 100th anniversary   in the formation of Tatarstan September 25,  2018 The upcoming 2019 should be the main stage of preparation for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Tatarstan. This was reported on September 24 by RT President Rustam Minnikhanov in the annual address  to the RT State Council. ...

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In Saransk a holiday of the Tatar song  held

On September 23, the Republican Palace of Culture (RPC)hosted the IX Republican festival-contest of the Tatar song “Avylym tavishlary” (“Native Songs”), organized by the Ministry of Culture, National Policy, Tourism and Archives of the Republic of Moldova, the Republican House of Folk Art and the administration of the Lyambirsky District. The main task of the festival-contest is the preservation and ...

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Chack-chack – favorite since childhood

For the third consecutive year, the public association of Tatars and Bashkirs of the Akmola region (Northern Kazakhstan) is holding the national holiday “Chak-chak bayryame”.  And although the “autumn time – feast for the eyes …”, nevertheless only for the very first time the sun was shining and the Tatar activists   could unfold  on the square at the Palace of ...

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Scientists-historians have met with collective of the Tatar grammar school

Scientists-historians have met with collective of the Tatar grammar school September 24, 2018   Recently representatives of the World Congress of Tatars – scientists and historians from Kazan along with a guest from the United States visited the Tatar gymnasium No. 15 of the Kirov district of Kazan. At the invitation of the administration  of the Tatar Gymnasium No. 15 ...

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The  Chelyabinsk Region  has “enriched”  by one more another mosque

September 22,  in Selyankino settlement a solemn opening ceremony of the first mosque in the Miass city district was held. In this historic event,  took part the acting head of the district Grigory Tonkikh, the chief mufti of the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions, Rinat hazrat Raev, the imam muhtasib of the Miass district, Ahmad Khazrat Khasanyanov, the deputy of the ...

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