Poet and philosopher, historian, translator, playwright and novelist Ravil Bukharaev died January 24, 2012, shortly after his widely celebrated 60th anniversary. His widow, the famous Russian poetess Lydia Grigorieva told us about the presence of Ravil Bukharaev in a literary and public space for the two years in which he is no longer with us. The sudden death of my ...
The Tobolsk center of Siberian – Tatar culture not the first year is holding a recitation competition “Oh tugan tel, Oh Matur tel”. Any pupil and student aged 7 to 25 years, residing in or near Tobolsk may take part in the competition. Organizers provide complete creative freedom in the choice of a literary work, as well as the form ...
January 28, 2014, in the concert hall of the A.S. Pushkin State Museum, on her birthday, the famous singer-songwriter, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Flora Vafina held an unusual concert – a creative evening of author’s songs, "Music for Two. Confessions of a woman's soul".
Today in Naberezhnye Chelny, at the Tatar lyceum № 84 named after Ghali Akysh, summarizing the first contest “chazhara ” ( family tree ) “Who am I, where are my roots? ” was held. Tatar Public Center became its organizer and sponsor. According to the head of TPC Chelny Branch Rafis Kashapov , just half a year, more than 200 ...
January 30, Kazan mosque “Yardem” will host a scientific-practical conference “Khusain Amirhanov and the traditional model of the Muslim community”. It is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the famous Tatar religious leader, scholar , theologian, historian and educator Khusain Amirkhan. As the famous scientist, historian Ildous aga Amirhanov informed, discussion of the concept of “traditional Islam”, will take place, ...
A school boy of aslaninsky school of Yalutorovsk district, of Tyumen Region Danir Yurtlubaev has won the first place in a competition for the Tatar language to the regional stage of All-Russian Olympiad. As reported by “Tyumen line” press service, of Yalutorovsk district administration, Danir Yurtlubaev – a pride of the schoo, honors, has achieved many victories in his studies. ...
January 24, in conjunction with the ANO " Martial arts Palace Ak Bars” will hold an open tournament "Koresh" , dedicated to the memory of a theologian Sh.Mardjani among the boys of 2000-2002 year.
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Institute of History after Sh.Mardjani Tatarstan Academy of Sciences conducted Interregional competition among students on history and culture of his native land, the Tatar people and Tatarstan.
The Association of Tatars and Bashkirs of Kazakhstan held a tele-conference of chairmen of Tatar and Tatar-Bashkir ethnic and cultural associations, members of the organization. Agenda has been voiced by the Association president Professor Griff Khaiullin. He focused on actuality and importance of the issues discussed. The first item was the message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan, ...
The idea of creating an organization “Tatar Youth of Uzbekistan – Uzbekistan Tatar Yashlyare ” was born in the minds and hearts of many girls and lads of a friendly group in process of communication through the Internet. The impetus to unite was the announcement by President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov – the year 2008 – the Year of Youth ...