A personal exhibition of S.S. Abdrashitov "Hero of War devoted" dedicated to the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad was held at the museum - exhibition center (MEC) in Krasnoarmeisky district of Volgograd city.
The Museum of Contemporary Art named after Diaghilev opened an exhibition of a famous avant-garde artist, a member of many international exhibitions, a brilliant representative of contemporary art, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Hamza Sharipov. His work is valuable not only for the country, but also for the entire Tatar world – working in the mainstream of national ...
Once fuss settled after New Year holidays, in a calm atmosphere, Tatar organizations around the world began to take stock of the past in 2013 and send reports on their activities to the Executive Committee of the World Congress Tatars.
Finally established name " Zhanakazan" of a newly formed settlement is linked with relocation of some number of people, of congenerical nation – Tatars, since the mid-nineteenth century.
These days , more precisely February 6, 7 , 12, 14, at the Salavat State Bashkir Drama Theatre, premiere shows of a play by the classic national drama Tufan Minnullina "Old man from the village Aldermysh" are going, the press service of the Ministry of Culture of Bashkortostan reports.
Last weekend, in Moscow, in the library named after N.Nekrasov, a literary and musical soiree titled "Over white stone Moscow a gold crescent floats" dedicated to the history and culture of the Tatars in the capital took place. The event was dated to the 100th anniversary of the House of Shamsi Asadullayev.
February 28, Tukai club at the Union of Writers of Tatarstan to hold a soiree dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Tatar literature classic Sharif Kamal.
In Astana, preparation courses “Ak Bars Education» to be opened on the curriculum of Kazan National Research Technological University. Association of Tatars and Bashkirs of Kazakhstan and educational Tatar cultural center “Duslyk in Astana invites school leavers for preparatory courses “Ak Bars Education». “The preparatory program is designed for undergraduates wishing to enter technical specialties, in higher educational institutions of ...
February 7, 2014 , the first meeting of the Advisory Council at the head of the municipality, the Kasimovo Town Duma chairman on interethnic and interreligious harmony was held in the conference hall sports complex Leader in Kasimovo town.
A holiday “Miracles of Science ” will be held in the children’s center “Balalar” (Children) at Kazan Marjani mosque. The event will take place on February 11. The children’s center “Balalar” conducts moral and spiritual education, in-depth study of the Tatar language, cognitive lessons in Russian and English languages, the Koran, drawing, modeling, physical training, lessons of oriental dance for ...