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25th anniversary of the founding of the Republican International Cultural Center (RICC) of Uzbekistan

In Tashkent, within the framework of celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the Republican International Cultural Center (RICC), in the first half of the day the Republican scientific-practical conference on the theme "Independence of Uzbekistan - a new stage in the development of international relations" was held. The conference was attended by government representatives, prominent scholars, diplomats, and other officials. At the conference, director of RICC Muhammadiev N.M. presented the book-album "Uzbekistan - our common home", which includes information and photos about the activities of national cultural centers of the republic.

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Competition of folklore creativity named after Sardariya Nigamatova

The X inter-regional competition of the Tatar folk art named after Sardariya Nigamatova has been carried out in the framework of the Agreement between the Republic of Tatarstan and the Sverdlovsk region on cooperation in trade, economic, scientific, technical, environmental, humanitarian, cultural and other spheres for the 2015-2017 years, in accordance with the basic plan of events of the Sverdlovsk state regional Palace of folk art for the year 2017 in conjunction with the MUK "National cultural complex in Arakaevo".

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