Home / News / A special issue of the Tatarstan magazine was presented in Kazan
A special issue of the Tatarstan magazine was presented in Kazan

A special issue of the Tatarstan magazine was presented in Kazan

The special issue of the Tatarstan magazine was presented today at the National Library of Tatarstan. The September 9 issue of the magazine was completely devoted to the topic of the book.

The highlight of the evening was the win-win book lottery. The winners were awarded two books signed by the first President of Tatarstan, State Councilor of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev.

Tatiana Vafina, editor-in-chief of the Tatarstan magazine, noted that Mintimer Shaimiev often writes for the magazine. His work was also published in this issue.

“December marks 101 years since the opening of the Tatarstan magazine. Initially, the magazine was headed by key people of Tatarstan – ministers, rectors and others. When we published this issue, we decided to repeat the old tradition. We published the magazine under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Leyla Fazleeva, ”said the editor-in-chief of the magazine Tatyana Vafina.

“Reading a book is a great time for me. I perceive the book as a means of self-education, as a source of text analysis. Today Russian, Tatar and other literature is actively developing. The Tatarstan magazine is also published in Russian and Tatar languages, ”said Leila Fazleeva.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan expressed confidence that the magazine will have only wonderful days in the future. She believes that the topic of literature, books and education is always relevant and needed.

The event was also attended by Shamil Idiatullin, a writer, two-time Grand Prix winner.

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