Home / News / The winners of the “Best bilingual kindergarten” competition have become known
The winners of the “Best bilingual kindergarten” competition have become known

The winners of the “Best bilingual kindergarten” competition have become known

On June 10, Kazan will host the awarding ceremony for the winners of the competitive selection for the grant “The best bilingual kindergarten”. The awarding ceremony will be held with the participation of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Ilsur Khadiullin.

The competition has been held annually since 2013 with the aim of popularizing bilingual education for preschoolers, identifying and encouraging the best pedagogical teams of kindergartens to organize the process of teaching children the state languages ​​of Tatarstan.

In 2021, 47 preschool educational organizations applied for a grant, 10 kindergartens became grantees. All of them will receive 500 thousand rubles.

The competition was held in two stages:

Stage 1 – presentation and defense of projects aimed at improving bilingual education for preschoolers;

Stage 2 – full-time, the commission’s visit to educational organizations for an expert assessment of the content and effectiveness of the activities of grant seekers in bilingual education of preschool children.

The organizer of the competition is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. In total, during the competition, 218 kindergartens of the republic have become recipients of the grant.

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