Home / News / Vasil Shaikhraziev: “I would like to believe that according to the results of this year’s census, the number of Tatars will remain at the same high level”
Vasil Shaikhraziev: “I would like to believe that according to the results of this year’s census, the number of Tatars will remain at the same high level”

Vasil Shaikhraziev: “I would like to believe that according to the results of this year’s census, the number of Tatars will remain at the same high level”

Today, November 3, an online meeting of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Vasil Shaikhraziev with the leaders of Tatar public associations in the regions of the Russian Federation took place. On the agenda was the question of the course of the All-Russian population census.

Vasil Shaikhraziev noted that work with compatriots is carried out systematically. An example of this: a series of meetings held in federal districts, during which the chairman of the National Council personally communicated with representatives of the Tatar community.

“According to 2010 statistics, the growth in the number of Tatars was traced in the Moscow, Tyumen regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan. Over the past 2 years, the delegation of Tatarstan has visited many regions of the Russian Federation. Following the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, regular meetings were held with compatriots. The republican public organization of Tatar women “Ak Kalfak”, the committee for work with Tatar local historians, the youth wing of the World Congress of Tatars actively interacted with the Tatars on the ground. Local authorities are also helping to preserve the national identity of the Tatars. I would like to believe that according to the results of the population census this year, the number of Tatars will remain at the same high level, ”Shaikhraziev said.

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