Home / News / Vasil Shaykhraziev visited Kindergarten No. 107 “Enzhe” in Izhevsk
Vasil Shaykhraziev visited Kindergarten No. 107 “Enzhe” in Izhevsk

Vasil Shaykhraziev visited Kindergarten No. 107 “Enzhe” in Izhevsk

During a working trip to the Udmurt Republic, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of the Tatars Vasil Shaykhraziev visited Kindergarten No. 107 “Enzhe” in Izhevsk.

The kindergarten opened in Izhevsk in December 1962 under the name “Izhstal”. Today it is a republican support platform, an ethno-cultural educational resource center. The kindergarten also publishes a special children’s newspaper.

The main goal of the kindergarten is the national education of children. Several times a year seminars, holidays, various interesting events are held here. Tatar language lessons are also held twice a week. Educational and cultural programs are carried out in the national spirit.

Vasil Shaуkhraziev donated books to children on behalf of the World Congress of the Tatars.

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