In the evening, on the 6th day of the month of Shagban (March 9), classes on reading the Koran for women started in the Galeevskaya mosque of Kazan. The lessons are held in preparation for the month of Ramadan for those who can read the Quran, know the Arabic alphabet and the rules of tajweed, but intend to improve their reading skills of the Quran, work on their mistakes and correct pronunciation (mahraj). More than 30 Muslim women gathered for the first meeting. Together with ustaza Liliya Ilyasova, they repeated the rules of tajvid in practice – they did exercises, checked the correctness of reading memorized verses and suras. Everyone is invited to the tilawat lessons (checking the reading of the Koran), including graduates of the primochet courses, madrasahs, etc.
Meetings are held weekly on Mondays from 17.00 to 19.00 in the Galeevskaya mosque (Gabdulla Tukay st., 40). All classes are free.