Home / News / The results of the first All-Russian competition for “The best rural museum of local lore” in 2021 have been summed up
The results of the first All-Russian competition for “The best rural museum of local lore” in 2021 have been summed up

The results of the first All-Russian competition for “The best rural museum of local lore” in 2021 have been summed up

According to the “Regulations on the holding of the First All-Russian competition for the” Best (non-state) rural museum of local lore “of Tatar ethnographers and local history structures of the regions of the Tatar world within the Russian Federation in 2021”, a Competition was held among rural local history museums of the regions of the Tatar world within the Russian Federation in nominations.

During the competition, nominations were selected taking into account a number of factors: subject matter, region, participant status, museum status, etc.

At the beginning, there was a competition in four nominations, but in the course of the competition (taking into account the real situation), the Organizing Committee increased them to five.

The competition was held in the following 5 nominations:

1. Museum of Nature of the region (Museum of history related to nature).

2. Museum of the history of the village.

3. Thematic museum (archaeological, ethnographic, military history, etc.).

4. Museum-memorial (a museum associated with the life, activities and heritage of prominent compatriots).

5. Local history museum in a rural school – Local history museum associated with the activities of rural schools (only for remote regions of the Russian Federation).

Authors of 23 projects submitted applications to participate in the Competition. Taking into account the quality of the submitted applications and based on the results of the study of the museum’s activities on the spot, 13 projects were eventually accepted, among which the winners and prize-winners were determined. The rest of the authors of the project were invited to improve the quality aspects of the design of the project and to intensify the practical activities of museums, which will allow them to participate in future competitions on the topic.

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