Over the years a great job has been done on formation of communities and civil society in the region. Such traditional annual celebrations , as Sabantui moved into the category of citywide celebrations. Autonomy of Tatars of Vladimir region always helps to the elders of the Tatar community, promotes active youth association. Leaders and activists of Tatar autonomy enjoyed great ...
February 26, Ex.com. of the World Congress of Tatars gathered journalists from nine regions of the Russian Federation, and the most truly Tatar journalist from Kazakhstan’s Semei town Kuptcova Victoria. They will participate in a training seminar and the award ceremony of IV All-Russian contest “Tatar Rukhy һyamm kalyam ” (“Tatar spirit and pen”). Today, journalists attended a presentation, created ...
At the concert hall "Molodezhny (Youth)", on Wednesday, February 19, 2014, a report meeting was held on the results of activities of the Tatar national-cultural autonomy of the Penza region in 2013.
On February 18, a Tatar women organization "Ak kalfak" gathered women from all regions of the republic on the introductory seminar at the building of the Board of the World Congress of Tatars.
Annually, in the beginning of spring, the most beautiful and talented girls are selected. Title of the most beautiful girls is determined at the Tatar Festival ” Nowruz Guzale.” Contenders for the title are sorted out in Sterlitamak Dyurtyuli, Tuimazy and in a village Verkhny Kigy. In a second round, on February 9, a jury has selected 12 contestants. They ...
February 22, Days of Tatar culture start in the Tyumen region. The event will begin with a photo exhibition “Traditional culture and life of the Siberian Tatars of Tyumen region” and exhibition of arts and crafts and children’s drawings. Here you can buy methodical literature, audio – video products and national jewelry . On the same day at 3pm, at ...
Once fuss settled after New Year holidays, in a calm atmosphere, Tatar organizations around the world began to take stock of the past in 2013 and send reports on their activities to the Executive Committee of the World Congress Tatars.
February 7, 2014 , the first meeting of the Advisory Council at the head of the municipality, the Kasimovo Town Duma chairman on interethnic and interreligious harmony was held in the conference hall sports complex Leader in Kasimovo town.
In Tyumen, at the commission meeting on toponymy, among other things, the issue of renaming street named after the great Tatar poet G. Tukai was discussed.